The start of a new year :– some of you have gone back to work, some of you are starting new careers or businesses, some of you are retired, some of you are transitioning into retirement. So, how busy will your life become? If you are busy…busy…busy too much of the time on activities that drain your energy, you’re not really enjoying life.
NOW could be a good time, to sit down and create 3 lists to help you maintain a more balanced, healthier lifestyle and not fall into the trap of becoming a workaholic or overloading yourself with commitments and draining your energy.
List 1 – Write down the tasks/activities that are essential in your life.
List 2 – Write down the tasks/activities that you feel obligated to do, but in the big picture, these are the things that can drain your energy. After one of my retirement life planning seminars, a man who had been retired for 5 yrs, said that some of the things he thought were so important before he retired, hadn’t been that important at all in the big picture and had only wasted precious time that he could have spent on more meaningful and enjoyable activities in his life. It is not selfish to say “No” sometimes. Otherwise people take you for granted & your own health can suffer. Set boundaries as a grandparent for minding the kids.
List 3 – Write down the things you would love to have more time to do that are not work related. I have found through the many seminars I have presented at over the years, that the people who have developed a work–life balance, getting involved in activities outside of work and meeting new people, transition into retirement more easily.
It’s a good idea to review your list once a fortnight and make any adjustments to keep on track.
Get back in the driver’s seat, change gears and enjoy the journey of life!