Eva Bennett

Planning Your Life in Retirement


The 3 F’s to Enrich Your Life.

Even when you are happy with how something is going in your life, I discovered recently, how a few changes can make something even better. 1.FOCUS: I created a presentation topic a few years ago that has been well-received at retirement planning seminars around the country – “The 6 Ingredients to Cook Up a Great […]

My Experiences as a Retirement Speaker Around Australia and NZ

Being a speaker at over 200 retirement seminars during the past 8 years, with financial organisations such as AMP, Catholic Super, Mercer, Local Government Super, Bridges, Money Max – New Zealand, to name a few, I have recently been reflecting on what I have learnt about how people handle moving from worklife into retirement – […]

5 Secrets to a Successful Retirement

Even when financially prepared for retirement, many people are unprepared for the psychological and social changes that occur. Here are some tips for retaining a sense of purpose and pleasure in life after work, especially as we are living 20-30 years longer than people did 100 years ago. They say 70 is the new 50. […]

Changing Gears

The start of a new year :– some of you have gone back to work, some of you are starting new careers or businesses, some of you are retired, some of you are transitioning into retirement.  So, how busy will your life become?  If you are busy…busy…busy too much of the time on activities that […]

Swim against or swim with the tide?

If you feel determined and positive that you are going in the right direction, persist in swimming against the tide of opposition, until you have reached your desired outcome.eg. An accident victim being told they’ll never walk again and eventually does – Victory! If swimming against the tide is zapping your energy and leading to […]


 Baby Boomers, those born 1946 – 1961,  I feel have been rather unfairly targeted, in the 2015 Intergenerational Report (IGR) We are already being held responsible for the gloom and doom being predicted in the IGR,40yrs down the track, due to the large ageing population – presuming we all live well into our 90’s and […]


It’s easy to resist change in area of our life, whether it’s changing jobs, ending relationships that don’t work anymore, retirement or getting a new website. Why? Because it is easy to fear change which then leads to frustration. You can’t keep doing what you are doing and expect different results. Don’t settle for what […]

Support Creates Success

Whether you decide to branch out into a new career, go on a diet, start a fitness regime, write a book, transition into retirement or any kind of new venture, be careful with whom you share your ideas, especially in the very early stages. Over the last 30 years, I have ‘bitten the bullet’ a […]

So what are the signs to look out for?

Traits of unsupportive people: *They can feel threatened by the changes you plan to make. *They can be jealous because you want to do something they are scared to do. *They may be cynical and try to devalue your plans. Traits of supportive people: *They believe in you and are inspired by your plans. *They […]

Eva Bennett © 2021 Find Eva on Facebook or Linkedin